
Sunday, November 19, 2006

DCM Dare No.5

This is my new card for this weeks DCM Dare...
The dare was - Use some ribbon for the men in your life
So I made this card for my dad for his birthday.. Don't look DAD!!!

For this card I used one of my FAV printed paper's it's from 'Wild Asparagus'
and heaps of 7 Gypsies products... The little swing tag with the star is actually a tag that came on a 7 Gypsies Handle. The letters are Pressed Petals.

Anyway I had heaps of fun making this into the very wee hours last night, and I'm really loving doing these dares. So if you haven't had a go, get into the dares, they are so much fun....
TTFN Gillian

One more thing...
I'm still only really new at this blogging thing, so I'm not sure how to get all of my Nov, Posts on the screen at once.. so if you want to view all of my post's click on November under Archives, and you will find heaps of post from the start of this month...


  1. Wow I Love this Gillian! Very masculine

  2. soooooo cool ! well done Gillian ! Very, very nice. what a great design.

  3. Your Dad is going to really love your card.

    P.S. Being upstaged by your kids is really the only time your ever want to be upstaged. He's still getting more comments than me.

  4. Fab card Gillian... love those colours & it would look quite at home on a scrap page as an additional embellishment...
    I love brown, spots & ribbon they are a fab coordination...
    Thanks for all your lovely comments. I stop by your blog daily. My dad is home from Oz now & he took a photoof a craft shop he saw. Have to wait until next weekend to see it. You will be seeing Oz photos on my blog in the coming days!!!!!

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Wow Gillian another fantastic card - I love it. :D

  6. I love both this card and the one with ribbon on below. I've never tried tying ribbon quite like that but will be doing in the future!

  7. OH WOW I love this. I really, really like mini-scrapbook-type cards and this one is very special.

    Thank you for joining in with the Dare.

  8. OOOOOOh this is FANATSIC!!!

    So beautiful. You are so talented.
    Im so glad you are enjoying the dares as we are soooo enjoying seeing everyones cards!


  9. Amazing card!!!!!! I loved everything!! The color, the embelishmentes.... great!! :)

  10. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Gorgeous Gillian, what an extra special card, love it! Rhi x

  11. Oh wowser, what a fab card, there are so many elements to look at in it, fabby!

  12. You did it again, Gillian !

    I still find it a challenge making cards the SB way ! lol

    much fun learning from you !

    ttfn, Pearl

  13. Wow! Looks fabulous!
    Love everything about this!

    Renata (Brazil)

  14. Gillian that card is amazing - Im sure your dad will love it. I love all your work !!

  15. Gillian - thanks for your comments on my card :-)

    I realise now why you have called your blog Eclectic Me as this seems to be the style of your cards - they are such a fantastic mix of all sorts of things. This card for your Dad is just unique - I absolutely love your style of cardmaking - I don't think I could ever achieve results like that but I'm picking up some great tips from you :-)

    Thanks so much for joining in again - we have so many regulars now - its' such fun :-)


  16. Hi Gillian
    Love your card it is just beautiful. No worries about linking I will link you shortly to.
    Have a great day

  17. wow! this card is fantastic!! I love the colours and the way that you have put it together :) You really are so talented.

    Jo x

  18. Anonymous12:44 AM

    This card is so awesome! I love it, love your style and want to move into your craft room and just absorb some of your creativity!

    Can't wait to hear what your Dad thought of it :)

  19. I adore this card Gillian!! It's absolutely fantastic and I bet your Dad will be blown away when he receives it!

  20. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Just love this card Gillian - everything about it. Just my kinda style!

  21. Love this! Love your style too! ;) Thanks for visiting my blog!

  22. your card it is just beautiful.
    Great design and color and embelishments!!!
