
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ahhh!! I've been Tagged...

Ok so I've been Tagged! had to happen, finally did. So the very talented Flower decided to Tag me... It's taken me about a week to work up the courage to do this.. it's a bit scarry... the tag is 6 weird things about yourself... I'm not weird... I don't think so anyway.. What do you think?
No1.. Eels give me the creeps... Yuk, makes my skin crawl even typing this I'm creeped out...
No2.. I have a phobia about Sharks, handy since we live in a costal town.... can't even stand in the water up to my ankles without thinking about them...
No3.. I'm a first fleet decendant.. Always thought that was cool, until recently all the truth about it being a floating brothel.. Ahhh... I'm a good Christian girl...
No4.. I collect rusty old junk.. Yes rabbit traps, old buckles, you name it I've probably got it.
No5.. I'm a non conformist.. so I'm finished.
Well what do you think... I'm not weird at all am I.... have a go if you want.. But if you must conform you have to do 6 things... TTFN Gillian :o) Ps. thanks for the fun Flower....


  1. You're weird! hehehe Nah, just kidding...well, the rusty fetish thing is a little weird. hehehe
    No, seriously, glad to get to know you a little better.
    Thanks for being brave enough to post.
    Now I have to go admire your latest creations...

  2. Everything looks normal to me ;)

  3. I agree I think you are normal.

    Have a nice day!


  4. pretty normal from where i stand. But, then again, I did know all that about you already.

    I'm so out of the loop with all this web talk....what does it mean to be tagged?

