
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Time to share some of my lovely win :o)

Posted by PicasaWowzers!!!!!! Look what I won this week..... I entered a Urban Lily comp in Scrapbooking Memories late last year.... and I won this Amazing Pack of Lovelies.... Yay!!!!
Urban Lily is a Gorgeous Australian Company
And Scrapbooking Memories Is a Wonderful Australian Magazine..
Now there is lots here.... Lot's for me..and enough to share.... and I was wondering... Ummmm Maybe I should share some of this gorgeous pack with You.... As a little way of saying Thankyou all for leaving such encouraging comments on my blog, it's a joy to check my comments each time I'm at the Puta..
So all you have to do.... Is leave a comment on THIS POST...
and you'll go into the draw to win
10 sheets of Urban Lily PP
2 sheets of Alphabet Stickers
1 sugar cube chipboard Album (these are cutie-pie little boxes that you alter)
and 2 chipboard circles...
And I might even make you an ATC.. ;o)
Now I have one of these packs for an Aussie & one for someone Overseas....
So that's two Packs...
Well what are you waiting for...
all names go into that 'Saucepan' again and I'll get one of the kids to draw the two names out..


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    and a round of applause for you for being so kind to share your winnings !! .Please include me in your saucepan draw !!

  2. Wow! You are one generous lady! Please throw my name in the sauce pan for an overseas pack! Kim

  3. Wowzers, look at all that stuff... beautiful. I'm sure you're going to make some gorgeous stuff with it.

    Into the saucepan with me... just don't eat me please.


    Gillian you are so kind to offer a RAK to everyone....please remember that I would have probably commented anyway!

    And congrats on winning it all in the first place!!

    Megan xx

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM

    oh my what gorgeous lucky thing you!

  6. Wow Gillian! I didn't think it would be so much! Well done you on winning the comp and also for being such a thoroughly lovely person :)

  7. that should have put a very broad grin on your face when it dropped throught he post box!!!
    I really love the pale blue sheet with white flowers on behind those fab flowers.Just throw that my direction!! I'll throw you some self adhesive vellum back..

    The teddy on my card is a free image from a papercrafts mag I got a few years ago. I can't find a decent teddy rubber stamp.

  8. Wow when you said you had won a prize I didnt expect there to be so much. Well done!

  9. oh how yummy! lucky you!!! have fun creating!

  10. Congratulations for your prize :))). You make wonderful works and I'm sure you will be creative with this pack as usual and you will share with us more and more amazing ideias.

  11. Don't do this very often but I'd love to take part Gillian, thanks for your generous offer!!

  12. Wow! They look like alot of fun! That is so nice of you to share. Thank you!

  13. Congratulations on another win, Gillian.You are an extremely generous spirit!

    Have fun playing with your stuff!!

    (psst put me in your saucepan too please!! LOL)

  14. Wowee what a fantastic prize! I have to admit I didn't know Urban Lily was an Aussie company *blush* but how fab is their stuff!

    Youre a star Gillian offering to share the happiness.

    Love Rhi x

  15. congrats Gillian!! you deserve it, this has sure been a good year for you!! and its probably going to get better, your a talented lady, congrats again.


  16. Wow Gillian there are so many goodies there, Congratulations on your win ..... can't wait to see what you create with it all. :D

  17. WOW Gillian! Talk about the gold at the end of a rainbow. I truly can't wait to see what you make.
    Now I would love to win the Urban Lily.. But truly I would want your ATC more.

    Hugs always from across the pond!

  18. Thanks for thinking of us and sharing your loot.


  19. Congratulations Gillian!! You are a real artist!

    You are generous! If you can send to Mexico, put me in your saucepan, please!

  20. You are just SUCH a star Gillian - I'd love to be included in your saucepan!

    Thank you Sweetie!

  21. scrumptious winnings there Gillian. You are very generous to share it and I would love to be in the draw. Thank you

  22. Hi Gillian,
    What a thoughtful generous soul you are, thanks for youf lovely comments on my B/f post too.

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Whoohoo girlie!! You got one lucky mailbox this week!! ;)
    Have fun with your new goodies!

  24. Hi Gillian, that is very nice of you, please include me (I want some candy!)!!!


  25. aaaww ! how sweet is that - wanting to share- you are a kind soul. Lucky you. I can't wait to see what you make with it all. Jx

  26. Congratutlations Gillian, how exciting to win, and what an awesome prize!!! That looks like a really awesome line!!

    I can't wait to see what you make with your winnings!!! You are such a talented lady!!


  27. Congrats Gillian!! Great goodies!

  28. **drool....drool.....**

    jk :-) xx

  29. You are such a generouse person to want to share, please can i be included in the saucepan

  30. wow weeeee..... ENJOY you!
    Of course I'd love to be added to your saucepan, also, do you mind if I link your blog to mine? many thanks, Ruth

  31. Yo Gilly-O

    Congrats ! Congrats !

    not too late to the party am I ?



  32. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hi Gillian
    Wow you are so kind! I would love to have my name in your saucepan - thanks so much. I have just discovered your site and it is an inspiration!

  33. And a round of applause for you too Gillian, you are such a generous person :)

  34. Anonymous4:14 PM

    What a deeeelicious bag of goodies, tell me waht did you have to do to win that comp. did you have to write "25 words or less'I am so bad at that!Aussie scrap companies rule.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Oh the above comment deleted was mine, don't you love typo's...
    So you like this range huh! Cute isn't it... I'm so glad you all like it.. Now there has been a few questions so I'll answer them here..
    Paula, just wait my dear, you never know it might be your name that my cherub pulls out of the saucepan,
    Yes it was a 25word or less comp, and someones gotta win, so you should try more often, Yes Aussie Companies Rule & so do Aussie Mags.. Love them...
    & You can be from any country in the world as long as they have a postal service you can go into my draw... TTFN Gillian :o)

  37. Hi Gillian
    No surprise you have won something! I love that mag - do you know when you'll be published and what number is it?
    I'd love to be added to your saucepan, if that is OK.

    Woudl you be able to tell me what brand your Autumn leaves stamp is? It's lovely!

  38. Anonymous8:44 AM

    you are on a roll Gillian!! 2007 is only startinga dn look at all the good things that have come your way!! I love Urban Lily, fantastic range that.

  39. so well deserved hun... your work always blows me away... and wow look at that stash... I would think I had died and gone to heaven to revieve all those goodies.. Lucky Lily.. lol

    Hope you are all well
    Take care

  40. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I always have to giggle that when a comp is announced...all the lurkers come out of the closet. LOL !!! Please don't include me in your giveaway though as I have sooooo much UL product that I certainly don't want anymore, but what a generous soul you are Gillian.
    Thank you for all your wonderful posts on my blog and I certainly hope we get to meet one day.

  41. Congrats on your win Gillian, what a fab year you are having so far...WTG!!

  42. Congratulations on your win, Gillian! I am so glad you are getting recognition for your wonderful talent - your blog is always a wonderful inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing so much already :-D

  43. Congrats on your win! All that Urban Lilly stuff looks scrummy!This is my first visit to your blog (I've come via Kathy Pitt's blog!). Great to see all your creative stuff. Very inspiring. (Not sure if I'm too late for your RAK- I'm confused by the time difference! You're a day ahead of us in England!!!!! :O) )

  44. WOW Gillian you sweet heart! What a kind thing for you to do!

    Don't those things look tempting! So count me in and good luck ladies,

    Should we promise your kids a bribe in return?

    Only kidding, thanks Gillian ooh and by the way its fab fab fab having you on DCM


  45. There are lots of great goodies there!

  46. Congratulations Gillian on winning the prize!!!
    you are very kind to split your prize with others!
    Marcia in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

  47. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Gillian, you have got some beautiful cards here. I'm so jealous!

    Kariep (from ink-stains)

  48. Wowie!! What a haul! It's it great to be a winner sometimes!? And you are a doll for wanting to share!

  49. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What an amazing talent you are Gillian!! Congrats on your win and are very kind to want to share.

  50. Congratulations Gillian!! Your blog is such a treat! You're creating wonderful things.

  51. Insert embarassed smiley here.

    I wasnt going to comment, but you did say everyone so here I am. How kind are you!! Not only offering 1 win, but 2 so your Aussie friends AND overseas friends have a chance to win. Awww. Thanks for doing this, Gillian!

  52. Awwww, alright, I'm a sucker for competitions. Can't help but keep looking at your blog for inspiration and this entry just keeps calling me to comment L.O.L!

  53. Congratulations on your win Gillian. I love your cards and thanks so much for sharing your talent (and goodies) with us. I also enjoy your blog.

  54. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Anonymous me again. :-)
    I posted at 6:24 (Anna) and I forgot to tell you that I am an Aussie!

  55. This draw has now closed, back soon to announce the winners...
    Cheers, Gillian
