
Friday, February 23, 2007

DCM's Weekly Dare - 20/20 Vision....

This week at Daring Card Makers it's our Kathy's Turn to set the dare and a beauty it is too, The dare is to use 20/20 Vision for your cards.We'd like you to use 20 of one particular thing on a card - be it blooms, papers, brads, ribbons the choice is yours - you can use other things too, but there must be 20 of one item/component - not 20 things altogether, that would be too easy.For instance, can you use 20 different papers on one card? 20 Ribbons?Or 20 Blooms - well surely that one sounds easy...
Have you worked it out?.... it's 20 lengths of stitching.... Well Stitching is really a big part of my design work.. and I thougth I'd see if I could fit 20 different lengths of stitching into my card and I did... 1 length (no stopping, so it counts as 1 length) around the top, side & bottom of spotted PP, 2 lengths top & bottom of the scolloped PP, 6 lengths of stitching in the mauve flower, 10 lengths of stitching in the orange flower, & 1 circle length of stitching in the little flower... there you have it 20 length's of stitching...
Pretty bits I've used to make Jenny's B'day card are - Bazzill Cardstock, Chatterbox PP,
Heidi Swapp Blossom, Making Memories Chipboard flowers,
Basic Grey - Holly Cow Rub-On, sei buttons, brad,
and ofcourse can't do 20 lengths of stitching without my sewing machine now can I....
so have you Dared To DARE yet....... COME ON I DARE YOU!!!!!


  1. OMG!! where do you girls come up with these ideas?? It certainly is a beauty!

    Stitching was my first thought too Gill, I will have to see if I can come up with something a little different to your gorgeous card :)

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Clever interpretation of the dare Gillian and a very pretty card! Very inspiring!

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    No, I didn't spot it at all! That is very clever, and your card is just beautiful.

  4. WOW Gillian........I never guessed it was stitching are so clever.
    Gorgeous card and I love the colours.

  5. what wonderful stitching it is too! Fab as always Gillian

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Love it again! I have so got to get my mum's sewing machine back again.

  7. This looks to put my thinking cap on!

  8. Gillian, this is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I'll have to think on this one!

  9. I absolutely adore this card...sis. ;) Pretty, delicate, soft colors and lots n' lots of stitching. Truly beautiful.

  10. A beautiful card! I would never have thought of stitching, but it gives a whole new look. Well done!

  11. Love your take Gillian! I'll be thinking about what my 20 will be! Have a great day! Kim

  12. I love it Gillian this is beautiful!!


  13. Love the colors you used!!!
    Great work as usual!!!

  14. This is beautiful Gillian!
    Wonderful job!

  15. I love love love this Gill its gorgeous and very clever of you to use stitching as your 20 item!

  16. Simply delightful Gillian! Love the colours you have used...very happy colours :-)

    Megan xx

  17. Great use of the 20 theme and thanks so much for you very kind words on my blog

  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What a pretty card!! Love the 20 length of stitches;))
    Love your layouts too! Silly magazines lol!

  19. Love the card! great idea for 20.

  20. Ahhh! Now I get it....! Thanks for spelling it out... I thought it might be something to do with the polka dots! hehee
    Very neat stitching!Gorgeous card

  21. Anonymous11:19 AM

    OMG Gill, what a fantastic card and idea!

  22. OH GILL!! I just love love this card!! The flowers are stunning and that stitching is just the right touch!!! Beauty ;)

  23. Oooh - the colours and layers and of course the stitching really do make this a special card, Gillian. What a clever idea to use stitching lengths for your 20 items! Simply beautiful.

  24. Another stunning interpretation and I was sat here counting petals and scalloped edges until I realised!!

  25. Beautiful as always Gillian, and such an inspired use of stitching :)

  26. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Gorgeous card ! Love the flowers and your stitching is always great !

  27. Gillian i love your work - and yet another awesome creation from the dare - well done!!!!

    Love Bex xxxxx

  28. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I thought it might have been the stitching but I couldn't work out how it worked out! I really love the Sister rub-on - it's gorgeous!

    Are you still having probs visiting me?

  29. Very ingenius & so pretty. I love the colour combo.

  30. Another fantabulous card- gorgeous as always. The stitching idea is fab :)

    jo xx

  31. Gillian another amazing card - your even making me want a sewing machine hehe xxx

  32. Anonymous1:53 PM

    This card is just beautiful!!!
