
Saturday, February 17, 2007

DCM's Weekly Dare - In the Fold

It was our Jane's turn this week to set the dare at Daring Card Makers... and what a great dare indeed!... Our's and your dare for this week is to Make a card that has to have more than one fold- so it can be a gate fold, or 3 panel card with an aperture or a card with multiple folds OR you can incorporate paper folding on the actual card itself.
It can be any theme Easy eh?!

Well here is my take on Jane's's a little thankyou card... it's only 4x4"... which I have found is a really fun size..But the cardstock I used to make this card was actually, 4x12"....
I started off with a long strip, tore a piece of Printed paper the lenght of approx 11/2"wide and ofcourse it was 12" long.. Adhered the PP to the cardstock... then stitched around my large retangle.. the next step was to put 3 folds at the end I had chosen to be the front of the card.
Once folded and pressed into a good crease I stitched the folds down. across each fold and then just embellished.

Well I am actually at the
Scrap A While Retreat this weekend.... and no doubt enjoying myself... I have actually typed this up before I left... and have my wonderful husband to thank for posting this Dare on my blog.... So round of Applause for Andrew!!!!!!!.... not just for posting this dare... but for being so wonderful and letting me go away for the whole weekend to be inspired by many other wonderful ladies... all at our creative best!!!
altho I'm sure a little sleep deprived!
I'll catch up with you all real soon... TTFN Gillian :o)
So have you Dared to DARE Yet!!!!.... COME ON I DARE YOU!!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Great card!!! Hopefully now that things have finally started to settle down some I can join this weeks blog challenge. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Gillian...beautiful card and i love the stitching. Hope you are having loads of fun at the retreat :o)

  3. Its a great effect. Hope you are behaving yourself!

  4. Beautiful Gillian, and great instructions for how you did it too! Hope youre having a wonderful time :)

  5. What a beautiful card!!! Love this :) You are too talented!!

  6. Wow Gillian, this is beautiful!

  7. What a great idea, Gillian. The "pleats" look really good and I love the colours you've used on this one.

    I think I'd be a bit scared I'd break my machine sewing through more than one layer of card though!

  8. oops i mean pretty.

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Gillian this card is stunning, I love the folds on the front with the stitching, and the cardstock you used is gorgeous.

  10. Awesome card! Hope you are having fun and getting inspired! Thanks Andrew for posting this for us to ooh and awww over! kim

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    love the card, hope the retreat was relaxing. Lucky you a whole weekend of creativity.

  12. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hope you had a wonderful time Gillian. Great card too....hmmmm..... if I can find the time, I might have to give that one a go!!

  13. Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog Gillian, what a gorgeous card it reminds me of chocolate.

    Andrea xx

  14. very cool card lovin it

  15. Wow, this is super gorgeous. I love your style!!
    What a wonderful DH you have!!
