
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time Flutters By

This is a card I made for an online Challenge, you had to make a card with a picy of yourself, then we all had to guess who was who... Too Much fun!!!!... I tired to make my photo look older than it was, to try and trick people....Didn't work...LOL!!!!.. I still seem to have the same cheeks!.. LOL!... This is such a funny Photo... Squinting into the sun!... Poor little Gillian :o)
At Christmas time My Nanna & Auntie gave me some photo's from their collections, of me.. many I had never seen, such a wonderful gift.. and this is one of them..


  1. This is such a wonderful card, but it wasn't your cheeks that gave you away to me. It was your stitching! LOL

    Just love this, Gillian. (Should it be here yet? LOL)

  2. Oh so that's what it was...LOL!!! here I was thinking it was my chubby cheeks Mary-Beth... Yes I think it's fine for it to be here as the names have been added to the photo's on the challenge.

  3. Oh! I just love ths card!!!And the title is great too!!
    By the way, you were such a cutie!! :)
    Take care

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Fabulous card and what a cutie-pie pic of you :o) I love how you put that little flower in the hair.

  5. Ohh wow, you can sooo see Lachlan in you in this photo!

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM


  7. Hey Gillian!

    Looks like some amazing creating you have been doing. WOW! You are such an inspiration. This card is GORGEOUS!

    Hugs dearie!

  8. LOL I didn't realize that when I posted, I've really been out of it lately!

    Still love it!!

  9. and you used a clock my favourite vintage image!!
    Yeah! I lvoe vintage I so do & I am struggling to find anywhere that sells hinges our DIY store is pants!!!

  10. What a fabulous card- I just knew this was you!!!Beautifully made.

  11. oh Gillian you havent changed one bit hun, what a cutie baby you were. another amazing card I love it, and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog xxx

  12. What a wonderful card, love this!

  13. Wow Gillian, a very strong resemblance to you seeing it side by side with the now photo of you there on your blog!!

    What a wonderful gift to receive from your Nanna and Aunty :)

  14. Cute as a button Gillian.. and the card is gorgeous how wonderful to have such a lovely gift from your family...
    Hope you are well hun
    Take care

  15. This is such a beatiful card Gillian! You were and are still such a cutey!!!

  16. Hey Gill

    I spy with my little eye something familiar - lol - no not chubby cheeks either !

    Waddaya know - another heavy box arrived from Chicago for me today - it was shipped via seamail cos it was soo heavy -took 2 mths to arrive ! but I had no idea about the contents ! Apparently my dear American friend Anna has sent me an entire box of scrapbooking supplies - the kind you buy like a kit ! I dont think i will be posting more pics lol !

    yupz can you tell Christmas is not my favourite holiday ! lol

  17. What a wonderful card Gillian! And what a blessing to receive those pics! Have a lovely lovely day! Kim

  18. awww weren't you just the cutie then?

    Love the card

  19. I love babies with chubby cheeks - you are just too adorable and so is the lovely card! sooo sweet!
