
Thursday, March 08, 2007

I love it when other peoples ART comes to live at my home..

Oh I am so thrilled my tiles have come arrived today from Tammy's Tiles Swap.. This first picture is the tiles that these gorgeous girls have made for me...
My Theme was 'Rusty Old Junk'... and look at what they have made me...
Love them, Love each and every tiny little one..
So thankyou in order left to right, Philippa, Sam, Sharon, Tammy, Jaki, Maria, Glennie, Debbie, Carole, Brenda, Pansy, & Ann...
I will do 4 more to add to your beautiful work and I am going to frame them for my scrap space.
This second picture is a refresher as it's down a bit on my blog, but these are the tiles I sent back to Tammy, one for each of the girls, who sent me one.. we all had our own themes and it was Great Fun...
and If you haven't seen a tiles swap before each of these little squares is just 1.5" square..


  1. I'm so glad they have arrived safely, thanks so much for joining in Gillian, it was lots of fun. I will post the entire 13 completed sets on my blog within in a couple of days they all look so wonderful.

  2. This is just the sweetest little thing. How beautiful :O)

  3. Anonymous3:46 PM

    These are gorgeous... I'm hoping to do a swap myself sometime soon.

  4. Wow these are just gorgeous - wouldn't mind being in a swap like this myself. I can imagine that it wouldn't take a lot of time and yet the results are just awesome.

    Love it.

  5. They are so cute aren't they.
    I love mini & vintage so these appeal to me very much.
    I made your card with squares of paper & strips of ribbon & had great fun doing that. Must think more & see what else I can come up.
    My creative thoughts aren't clear right now, though my mojo is considering returning!!!!

  6. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Owow! Those look gorgeous and will look great on your wall!
    Now I'm off checking Tammys blog;))

  7. Absolutely love these!! What a fantastic idea. Can you tell me who makes these fab little tiles? Wonder if we can get them in the UK?
    Lovin' your work as always Gillian!:)

  8. Gillian I saw these tiles on Tammy's blog recently and just thought they were the scrummiest things. Everyone has done such a fabulous job on theirs - I bet they are even more stunning IRL.

    Megan xx

  9. This is gorgeous,
    what a wonderful Idea!!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous, i love the theme

  11. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Girl, just when I think your cards can not get any prettier, you just amaze me one more time! There is NOT one card on here that is just OK. Everyone is just gorgeous!!! You do such beautiful work Gillian! Thanks for all of your inspiration!! I actually ordered my first set of Prima flowers and sit and wait patiently for them to arrive!

  12. Those look like they are going to be alot of fun to work with.

  13. What a treasury of little enjoyments! You can stare at each one all day! Amazing little pieces of Art! I love them all! Fantasic theme as well!

  14. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Gillian all the tiles are just lovely. I loved the tile I received from you. I will have to post my tiles on my blog very soon.

    You are such a clever chicky, loved what you created.

    Best Wishes

  15. Don't they all look great together!! Would love to see what you do with them all too :)

  16. Gillian, thank you so much for your very kind offer, i have had a quick search on google but no joy yet, will have another look later today. thanks once again, Sarah

  17. Oh aren't they fab?

    I've been looking forward to seeing your "themed" tiles when they arrived with you since you showed the original picture.

  18. These are absolutely beautiful!! Both sets are wonderfully made and so attractive to look at! Lovely swap Gillian!!

  19. Both sets of tiles are just gorgeous! You lucky girl you!

  20. Ooooooh I like them......a lot.

  21. these are gorgeous Gillian

  22. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Thankyou sooo very much for the beautiful tile you did for me
    "life in the fast lane" yes quite the momto indeed for a soon to be 19 years old boy, again many thanks
