
Friday, April 20, 2007

DCM weekly dare - Fun, Funky, Fabulous FELT...

This week at Daring Cardmakers,
it was my turn to set the dare,
as you may have noticed felt is really hot in the crafting world at the moment, and it's available in so many ways now, in sheet form in a rainbow of colours, precut shapes, beautiful felt borders, even lovely patterned felt and felt with glitter...
So I reckon it's a great medium to dare you with.
So here's the dare, Make a card and include some felt,
the theme & style are entirely up to you,
Isn't she cute!!!!...
she just makes me smile each time I look at this lovely little monster card..
My Card was inspired by the work of Elsie Flannigan and Mel Goodsell both of these ladies not only make the most delightful scrapbook LO's but they make the cutiest little 'softies',
a wonderful craze at the mo go check there blogs out they'll make you smile :o)
And if you need any other inspiration for using FELT
take a look at the very clever
Keryn Quall's blog..oh what this girl can do with felt Wow......
Fabulously Felty bits I used are - Bazzill Cardstock, Felt - Pink, orange, white, Embroildery floss - yellow & pink, Urban Lily Number sticker, paper flower, Sei button and another from my stash, white paper to back my little monster girl, the words are computer generated, And where would I be without my sewing machine now!


  1. Oh Gill, I love it!!
    I have some green spotted felt here I have been wondering what to do with....

  2. Awww, I've always had a soft spot for soft toys with wonky eyes! Great dare Gillian and I love your card. Just have to find my felt now!

  3. Gillian,

    Your Whisper angel ATC is so beautiful and what a fun monster you have created for the birthday card!! You are such a versatile papercrafter.

    love Coby

  4. Now Gill did you make this challenge so I would have no excuse to not find a home for my sweet little owl? LOL.
    Your card is gorgeous!

  5. This is so fun Gillian!! Great work!

  6. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Oh Gillian, this sweet little felt card is the most cutest thing I've ever seen. How beautiful and that's so sweet of you to link me in your post :O)
    Now, I've got to say - how cute would that be with stuffing as an actual toy sweet.

  7. Wow Gillian what a great card you have come up with i love it.

    Andrea xx

  8. hehehehe - it's got me giggling! Too cute of a monster and a perfect card for a child! You've done it again, Gillian. I'll have to go see if I have any felt and give this a go.

  9. Really really really really cute!

  10. gorgeous!! and the next one whisper as well how do you find the time to get of this done!!

  11. I love this card. We have this line of dolls here in the states called "Ugly Dolls", and this card reminds of the stuffed animals that my son has.

    I wish I could SEW. This is too cute.

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What a fun card - and a fun dare!

  13. such inspiring blogs you've pointed us to Gill ! Wow love that Kerrin Quall framed piece ! painted with felt pieces & buttons ! love it ! lol & Melissa Goodsell's blog too ! AQussie gals rock !

    Great funky cute card you have here too hun !

    ttfn, Pearl

  14. What a wonderful card! Love that little monster! Have a great day! Kim

  15. Ha ha what a fun card, so sorry i think it was my fault about the puzzle forgot to mention in the last email, although I wrote the numbers on the back the actual picture of the puzzle was upsidedown! So think it was my fault, sorry about that!

  16. She's soooo cute......I love it!

  17. What a cute friendly little monster, I love her! Thanks for a great dare.
    Rhi x

  18. so fun and funky! love what you created with felt!

  19. Oh Gil!!!! That little monster creature is just way too funky and cute! I can't believe how amazing your work is! You will soon be known as the queen of felt!! :)

  20. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I love your card. Its so cute! Great job with the challenge!!!

  21. this is the cutest monster I have ever seen!

  22. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Oh my! that is the cutest monster ever!You should turn her 3D;))

  23. Goodness, Gillian. This is so cute! I've got lots of felt. I am going to try to do this challenge.

  24. This is to cute!
    I love it!

  25. Well I shall get my money's worth out of this crane hire Gillian.
    That is the dinkiest, cutest thing I've ever seen.

  26. Wow what a funky card Gillian - love it. So cute

  27. Gillian I love this!!! And OMG you've done FOUR blog posts since I last did my rounds are just a creating queen!!!

    Really think this is tops - so cute!

  28. Anonymous12:44 PM

    OMG Gillian, how stinkin cute is this? It's adorable!

  29. Fantastic card Gillian and fantastic dare. I enjoyed this one.

  30. I love this card, it is so fun, and just so cute! Thank you for a fabby dare

    jo xx

  31. This is fabulous!! and fun and funky too of course ;) What a cutie!

  32. Ha ha! I can just imagine a 6 year old loving this card - you hit the spot again, Gillian!

    Have had a look at all your other lovely creations - the grunge angel is adorable, and I love everything else too - I don't think I've ever seen something you have made I HAVEN'T loved!

  33. What a gorgeous card!!!

  34. I've just stubbled across your blog and just have to say that your work is amazing. I love it!!

  35. My comment from the other day isn't here!!!!!!!
    Fab felt work. I saw these on Elsie's blog, she would love this!
    You have been tagged.
    Pop over for the rules when you get a spare minute.x

  36. Your monster is adorable! Wish I had some felt but I'll just content myself with getting caught up, again! LOL

  37. Oh Gill, he's just the cutest. I'm definately inspired to give this a go!

  38. ooh! this is such a funny idea to a child birthday card! What a great DARE to make :D

  39. Just seen this card on the DMC site it's fantastic!! I love it to bits :D

  40. I just had to leave a comment on this one, whenever I see it, it simply makes me smile! I love it!!!

