
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen

In the tomb so cold they laid Him
Death its victim claimed
Powers of hell, they could not hold Him
Back to life He came!
Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!)
Death has been conquered. (Death has been conquered.)
Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!)
He shall reign for ever
Hell had spent its fury on Him
Left Him crucifiedYet, by blood,
He boldly conquered
Sin and death defied
Now the fear of death is broken
Love has won the crown
Prisoners of the darkness listen
Walls are tumbling down
Raised from death to heaven ascending
Love's exalted King
Let His song of joy, unendingThrough the nations ring!
Written Graham Kendrick
© 1986 Kingsway?s Thankyou Music


  1. love that song :-)

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Have a wonderful easter! God Bless!!!

  3. I trust you had a blessed Easter season Gillian !

    Over in Bkk in the htl we stayed they had an Easter brunch & show - too juvenile for my kids tho' . Otherwise yes ! I did haul back some crafty stuff from BKK ! as did other fashion buys of course ! lol

  4. I sang this for the first time yesterday at's a good one!
