
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lest We Forget

Today In Australia and New Zealand, we Remember our Fallen Soldiers and their families.
We call today ANZAC Day
Australian & New Zealand Army Corps
We pay tribute to all who have served and are serving
May God Comfort those who grieve
& May He Protect those who are serving now.

This is a card I made last night for a challenge at Ink-Stains, what a doozey of a challenge Kim set us, we had to make a card with only one layer, Use Rubber Stamps and only one embellishment... Gulp!!!.. anyway here is my card.. With our challenges at Ink-Stains, it's quite fun, we do a Challenge/Mingle... which means everyone in the challenge sends there card onto someone else in the challenge... it's so much fun to give and receive these cards :o)

Delightful bits I've used for this one layered card are - Autumn Leaves Doodle bloom stamps, Stampin Up Delight in Life Stamp, Cardstock, Distress Ink Pad - aged mahogony, clear embossing powder, white gel pen, some lace left over from my Ruby St Design Kit, and my sewing machine.

Now the beautiful picture I've used for my Anzac Tribute above is yours for the taking, if you'd like to save it on your computer for use with your papercrafts please go right ahead :o)


  1. Oooo our hearts go out to the brave ANZAC soldiers .

    Lovely vintage sentiment , Gill !

    Great stamped card ! Love the single layer look ! lol

    whaddaya know ! I have taken over a 2nd hand but brand new heat hand - comes with embossing powders & UTEE etc .

    Wahoo ! I know I can do embossing ! Iahve some fontwerks stamps - inclduing a cute card image abt similar to yours ! Maybe I'll scraplift yr DCM card a bit to get a feel for stamped cards ! lol

    ttfn, Pearel

  2. You've risen to the challenge and conquered it completely Gillian! Love the card :-)

  3. I hope you've been enjoying your ANZAC day. Isn't it neat how the kids are learning so much about it at school. Lachlan's been taking a real interest and has even made himself a poppy to wear. Oh Btw you've been tagged, come over to my blog to see what I've got you into.

  4. Great cards Gillian, sorry ive tagged you, go and look at my blog.

    Andrea xx

  5. What a beautiful vintage image Gillian.
    I didn't know it was Anzac Day thoughts are with you all.

    That is a stunning one layer card. I may have to have a go at that challenge although I REALLY should be working.

    Gillian Australia is top of my list to visit and we are hoping to do the trip in two years time once we have saved enough money to come for a month....and also built up my courage to go on a plane!!!

  6. wow, that must have been a tough cahllenge for you Gillian! Only one layer and only one embellishment - you must have fainted clean away with the shock! Still, you really did well and the card is lovley.
    And that photo is just delicious

  7. Love it, so beautiful simply stamped & a touch of lace. I really am into stamping at the moment but can't afford the ones I want until my loan is paid as I have just paid for my gorgeous sofa!
