
Monday, May 14, 2007

argh....tagged again....

Oh.... Yes I've been tagged again... (insert rolling eyes smiley here)
Thankyou for thinking of me Pearl.. & Esther..
here goes.. I had to give 5 reasons why I put stuff on my blog..
1. alrighty then lets start with the title..ECLECTIC ME.... I reckon this sums up my life and my creations pretty well...eclectic means - made up from diverse sources..
Altho just lately with all these tags, I'm thinking I should rename my blog DON'T TAG ME!!!
2. well I started this blog as a SCRAPBOOKING blog... (oh stop laughing... I do still put scrapbooking on here from time to time!) and I am working on a LO today, for my mum, but you'll have to wait till she has seen it, before you get too..
3. I made a promise to myself when I started this blog, to never appologise for my work...
You know what I mean, Saying I don't like it... or it's terrible.... or that sort of stuff... It's just Paper after all! & if you like it, that's a bonus...
4. ummm... do I really have to do 5....
5. heeeheee... that was easy to get away with not doing no.4.. LOL!!!! and lastly but most importantly to me... and like my work, I will never appologise for my FAITH... It will be proclaimed on my blog... and I will never, ever appologise for that!...
well you know I hate to conform... so I'm not tagging anyone else...
I'm going to suggest however that you visit some blogs
(now girls I'm not tagging you, just sending some lookers to admire your amazing work..)
here you go, go check out -


  1. hey ho Gill !

    Yes always good to send others to take a look at other blogs ! lol

    will check them out ! havent done as much bl;og visiting as I'd like !

    & wait a min ! you didnt tell much you know ! that we dont already know ! lol
    now 5 more takes to go grrrl !

    hey hey being mean today huh ?

    jest kiddin ! have a good week ahead now !

    ttfn, Pearl

  2. Love how you SHINE Gillian! Kim

  3. Oh Gill, Thankyou.
    I am not a fan of tagging or being tagged either .... Good on you for breaking the tagging cycle and thanks for sending some visitors to see me, I hope they say hello ;)

  4. lol...I loathe tags too Gillian! Loved reading your answers cheeky thing, not doing #4!!

  5. Don't tag me blog?! HAHAHAHA I wasn't expecting that and nearly fell off my chair!

  6. Hey Gill, thanks for sending some visitors my way! You're a total darlin'!
