
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

DCM little extra - We've got your number

this week for Daring Cardmakers
little extra it's a Very Cool dare...."We've Got Your Number"
Numbers and Fun? Those two words don't often appear in the same sentence, do they?Well, we'd like you to have some fun with numbers and put a numeral on your card.
and a Big Welcome Nat (Kool Kitty Musings) has agreed to join us as our Guest Designer for the next couple of weeks, Lovely to have you join in the fun Nat :O)
Ok... here's my card, and I'm sure you've been looking ever so hard to try and find the numbers... well there are some on there...promise... I've put a copy of one of the stamps I used below to prove! So I used this stamp 3 times, stamped onto 3 different PP's, and then cut them out and lined them up,
Under the front stamped image is a torn bit of dress making pattern and I've added a beautiful label holder a friend posted me :O), finish it off with a bit of my new fav thing at the moment 'pleated paper' held in place with a bit of machine stitching and your done!
If you click on my card, the image will be a little clearer I think....

this stamp and the 'inspire' one are both from Stamp-it Stamp set #siset002mc

I purchased this set from Scrap A While

So have you Dared to DARE yet?...come on I dare you!


  1. oh cool dare Gillian and VERY cool card!! I think I'll give this dare a little whirl :O) I especially looove how you've done the ruffle frill across the front, it looks scrummy!

  2. Oh yes and I don't think I've said how fabulous your Etsy store is either!!
    It looks awesome, you've got some very yummy scrummies in there.

  3. Great card illian, love the colors you used.

  4. Wow, cool stamp or what? Very different take on the dare - love it!

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Awesome card !! love the colors and the design !

  6. What a great card,love the look and yes I see that stamp, see it twice as a matter of fact.

  7. Stunning! I love the idea of using the dress pattern...wonderful!

  8. Your cards are always so inspirational - lovely details.

  9. Another fab layout, love the way you have used the stamp :)

  10. Fabby card Gillian, love the stamp and the ruffling!!

  11. LOVE it Gillian,
    I have had a design idea involving a number in mind for a few days when I remembered an old friends birthday! I will get to it!

  12. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Beautiful card Gillian!

  13. this is beautiful Gillian! lovely work!

  14. Oh I just love it, just like I do all your cards!! :oD

  15. I love this Gillian, love the colours, love the pleats, love the 'limited edition' at the bottom. Love it all =0)

  16. Love it Gillian and yep I can definately see the numbers! thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, you always put a smile on my face.

  17. Anonymous7:17 AM

    wow...this is so striking. love it :o)
