
Friday, August 24, 2007

So where is Gill, and why isn't she posting pretty pictures?

Hi everyone :)
just wanted to say hi,
and let you know at the moment blogger is being a right pain and I can't upload any images :(
Which is a pain as I have some scrummy things to show
I also have a couple of wonderful links to add and it wont let me do that either
but I will keep trying and hopefully soon I'll be able to blog again.

Our home is slowly recovering from a very nasty cold/flu virus, we have all had it or still have it
Thankyou to all who wished us a speedy recovery... lets hope winter will soon be over ;o)

ooohhh in the meantime if you want to see a pretty picy I made and framed it's in the gallery at
The Stamping Queen
hopefully I can put the picy here soon :O)


  1. Good to hear your family's recovered Gill ! looking forward to seeing more work here !

    Have a restful weekend !

  2. What a shame you can't get your pictures up, it seems that lots of people have trouble with blogger. Look forward to seeing your lovely work soon xox

  3. Loved your card on the DCM site Gillian!! Shame I can't see more of your work though :(

  4. Glad to hear your family is recovering. I wonder if it was the same nasty virus going around here back in May? took me more than 2 months to get rid of the cough...
    either way looking forward to seeing your "scrummy" work! :)
