
Friday, September 21, 2007

DCM weekly dare - Charity begins at home

This week at DCM it was my turn to set the dare
and here it is!
Let's go Charity shoppingor Op shopping (as we call it in Australia)
I DARE you to visit your local Charity Shop & make someone else's
.........and make a GORGEOUS card from what you find.
You'll be amazed at the special little treasures you'll find
if you only take the time to look with CREATIVE EYES
So this is what I bought
A very old dictionary :O),8mts of lace,a string of shell beads, & these little party food forks!
and this is what I made!
I managed to use all of the treasures I bought.
I added a vintage image from a sheet of Collage images made by Stamp-it out of my DT supplies from The Stamping Queen, Prima flower,Fancy Pants Rub-on,Stampin Up Stamp,lace butterfies,string,& sewing machine,
I folded and sanded the image to give it a bit more of a Vintage and Loved look!

So Have you Dared to DARE yet?...Come on I dare you


  1. Deeelicious! What a fantastic range of goodies and the way you've used them all is Amazing! You have amazing vision to turn a party fork into a lace bobbin, superb :)

  2. Well, who'd have thought that was a plastic food fork? Looks like one of those sophistaicated ivory hair stick thingies! The card looks fabulous Gillian. Not sure I'll be able to join in with this fabby dare as I'm a bit housebound at the mo but I'll see what I can do.

  3. wow! the shop I went to didn't have anything like this range of stuff. Crikey, I might even be tempted to check some of the other ones there are in town now!

    I love this card, truly lives up to your blog title

  4. Just seen your cover girl news on Kathy's blog - congratulations, well deserved! :o)

  5. A truly beautiful card.

  6. WOW Gillian that is stunning!!!!!!!!

    I love the bits you picked up....fab card so 'you'


  7. This is such a good dare, Gillian (I'll join in if I can find the time) - what a beautiful card - love what you found and how you've used them. And what's this about you being a cover girl on a mag?!?! Well done!

  8. Love this Gillian - My house could do with a good old clear out as it is, dont encourage me to go and get more stuff, pleeez. I might give this a go =0)

  9. Fantastic card Gillian!! I can't believe that they are food forks!!! I thought it was an antique lace bobbin. I don't think we have those kind of charity shops in England all I usually find are a few buttons!!

  10. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Stunning card !!!! and congrats for the cover :o)))

  11. Great card Gillian, I LOVE collage so much , this is very challenging to me, as we don't have any charity shop here in Malaysia:-(( sob,sob...

    P/s: Thank you for your comments on my blog, you are so sweet.

  12. absolutely stunning Gillian

  13. Very beautiful.
    You obviously have a higher class type of shop over there as here its just chipped saucers with foul cups & bent olf forks!!!

  14. Wow, really beautiful, you really did find some little tresures there! Love the vintage look!

  15. Wow! You are soooo creative. The card is gorgeous.

  16. I would love to visit your charity shop! Fantastic card, you must really have had a vision when you were picking these up, amazing!

  17. your op shops beat our charity shops hands down. Wow what an amazing card

  18. Girlie, you are far too creative! :-) Fantastic card!!

  19. Wow - Aussie op shops are far more interesting than ours! This is simply AMAZING! You are so clever at incorporating embellishments.

  20. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Very pretty card !!!

  21. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Dear Lord woman, you are amazing!!! I miss ya Gill!

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Love your work !Beautiful card,Gillian!

  23. Looks great Gillian! Love all the different elements; very clever...
    :-) Sephi

  24. Gillian, I love you card, so very elegant and even with plastic forks *LOL*
    Barb C

  25. Ab Fab!! This is my fave thing to do - op shopping for treasures and then recycling or reusing them. Totally LOVE your collage : )

  26. This is simply lovely! It's amazing how you incorporated everything you bought and it still doesn't look busy or stuffed.

  27. Wow what a fabby charity shop you must have near you! Love the use of the forks, and the swirly design that looks like one of those vintage hair combs!

  28. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Gillian...this is so stunning. I love the vintage look.

  29. Oh Gill, this card is fantastic!!
    Love what you found at the op shop and LOVE how you used it all :)

  30. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Woow !! Que c'est beau ! Je découvre votre blog et tombe en admiration devant tant de raffinement, de classe et d'imagination. Vraiment BRAVO

  31. Gorgeous card, Gillian. I never go into charity shops but just might have a little look now.

  32. Your card is fab, I love all textures and colours.
