
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meet Clancy & Clarice

and all of their friends
Just thought you'd like to see some of the beautiful
Rainbow Lorrikets
we have come for a bit of tucka on our back deck
each and every day
Unfortunately in these photo's they are all a little wet as it's been raining here for a good week and they have all popped in out of the rain.

Lots happening at our home at the moment, I have my mum & dad with us, Mum is currently in hosipital here she had an pretty big opperation this week, and will be in hospital till early to mid next week, when she gets out of hospital Mum will be living here with us for a while till she is more able to get around. So in all thats been going on this week, I haven't had a chance to do my DCM or SALT contributions, but do pop over and check out what everyone has done, I do hope to have a little time this weekend to create and hope you do too

Take care everyone :O)


  1. Those birdies are beautiful Gillian. My thoughts are with you and your Mum & Dad for a quick recovery for your Mum.
    I haven't had a chance to do my DCM dare card either due to a really fun and creative Stamp A Stack I ran today.

  2. I hope you're keeping well Gillian. Those birds are amazing, are they wild? They're such vibrant colours, all the ones that visit my garden are really muted!

  3. Wow, what a tremendous gift to see these birds in your backyard. we've nothing like that here. Gorgeous pictures.

  4. WOW!! Those birds are gorgeous! We pay a lot of money to buy them here in Canada!

    Hope your mom's recovery goes well...
    HUGS ;)

  5. Wow! I'd sit and watch them all day, how lucky are you! gorgeous photos too!


  6. The birds are beautiful! What a treat to have them hanging out on your deck and being able to enjoy watching them - very fun!

    Here at our house, we get robins, blue jays (who are very noisy) and crows...hum...not all that exciting! hee hee

    Continuing to pray for you, your mom and family!


  7. They are beautiful! Hugs to your mum and your family and sending healing thoughts her way.

  8. oh you lucky ducky to have such pretty feathered visitors! So much more exciting than the bluetits and robins etc that we have in our garden - though we did have a Green Woodpecker on the lawn once....
    Thinking of you and yours atm Gill and wishing your mum a vrey speedy and safe recovery. Take care of yourself, you're going to need all your strength in the next few months

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Stunning birdies! Wishing you mum a speedy recovery too :O)

  10. Best wishes for your Mum's safe and swift recovery. Those birds are delightful!

  11. I hope your mum recovers well from her operation Gillian, sending her some cyber hugs. Those birds are gorgeous, you're so lucky having such pretty wildlife.

  12. oh wow certainly have your work cut out for you over the run up to Christmas. I wish your Mum well. And you take it easy too.
    These little characters look amazing!! Our wild birds tend to be black....brown...err black....oh a bit of

  13. Awww amazingly gorgeous birds..
    Been thinking of you recently. hope you are feeling better and life is being kinder .. xx

  14. I wish your mum a speedy recovery Gillian. I hope every thing goes well.
    What beautiful birds you have visit you down in Oz!!! They are beauties!!
