
Friday, January 04, 2008

Design Teams

Well it's a new year, and I've decided to make a few changes in my creative life
I have stepped down from two much loved design teams
Both of which I will still be keeping in touch with because of the wonderful girls I've met through both online and in the flesh :)
It's been a wonderful experience being apart of both of these two Desing Teams
and they will always hold a special place in my heart xxx
Speaking of Design Teams.....
and of Scrap A While
Check this out!!!!!
ScrapAWhile is searching for new design team members for 2008.
Could you be one of them? Each member will serve for a twelve-month term.
* One layout or off the page item per month, and a write up of the project that includes products used.* Select “Hot Products” and assist in choosing prizes once per quarter of your term.* Challenge Rotation with other Design Team members: create one challenge every six weeks.* Provide Challenges with other Design Team members: during our retreat weekends, at least one challenge for each retreat February & August 08. Design Team Members do not necessarily need to attend.
* Each member will provide a photo of themselves and short bio to be posted in store and online.
* We will provide you with the photo’s for the layouts or you can use your own. All projects completed for ScrapAWhile will be yours to keep at the end of the 12 months.
* You must maintain an active presence within the ScrapAWhile Community either in store or online.
Complete confidentiality of store information is required. Forfeiture of any requirements will be cause for immediate removal.
Incentives: * Whilst you are a member of the ScrapAWhile Design Team, you will receive a 20% discount at the store (online or brick and mortar).
* Product is provided to complete all projects (with plenty left over!)
* You will be given recognition for all projects that are uploaded to the Design Team gallery. You will also be featured on website with a photo and small informational section about you.
If you are interested please send an email with an attachment of 2 layouts and 1 off the page item that best shows your style to the ’08 Design Team or a link to a post of your layout/s.
Then answer the following questions and send them to
Applications are due by 10th January . The new Design Team members will be notified by January 14th.
Phone Number:
Email Address 1. Describe your scrapbooking style and list your favorite products and techniques.2. Tell us a little about yourself (interests, family, favorites, etc.). We’d like to get to know you!3. Please provide a link to link your blog or website to see more of your work.4. Are you currently, or have you in the past, served on another design team? If so, when and where?5. What will you contribute to our Design Team and, more importantly, to our store?
Just thought I'd share this DT Call with you all xxx


  1. Happy New Year to you!
    I am making changes this year. I plan new challenges & more time for private projects.
    Im stepping back from a few of last yrs challenges & only dipping into others when the subject fits my mood. So good luck to us

  2. God bless you in whatever you do - I shall miss you at DCM, but know that I can pop in here whenever. Thanks for all your enthuisiastic and encouraging comments.

  3. So sorry to see you're going to 'missing' from DCM, Gillian - your cards were always such an inspiration! Very best of luck with the things you choose to do and congrats on those publications - both fabby cards and I love the stitched circles!
