
Thursday, February 21, 2008

2nd post for the day, and my desk is still messy... :s

But I do have this to show for a messy desk....
actually the photo doesn't really show it for it's best
in real life this is HIGH GLOSS
This is my next project using my Feb DT pack from
The Stamp I used is a 'The Queens Dresser Draws' stamp
- Quartet of Bobbies'
I stamped it onto white, then did little dots all around them
once I did that I used heaps of different coloured inks dabbed on to build up this mix of colour, I really wanted the white to sort of 'glow' from behind them and on their faces, and I'm happy with the way it seemed to do that.
I sewed one of the 'Collections' Bracets on and then 'pewter' embossing powder
just on the BG
then I covered the whole thing with about 3 or 4 coats of clear hi-gloss embossing powder.
it feels really cool to touch.
and I love it's super grungey look :)
it's kinda Grunge meets!
ps....yes they are my keys the little ATC is laying on
if you hadn't noticed I am a key addict and collect them to use in my projects.


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    This looks fabulous.

  2. absolutely beautiful,Gillian!

  3. Hi Gillian, Great ATC! I love the touch of red and the little dots :-)

  4. fantastic bobbies and art! they really are clever!

  5. Really stunning art, great to see you so creative again.

  6. beautiful piece - i love that stamp, i have it too and should use it more.

    and look at all those FABULOUS keys!!!!! oooooooooo how i'd love to play with those lol
