
Monday, June 30, 2008

Last Day of June and time for a RAK ♥♥♥♥♥♥

I don't know about you, but to me it just seemed like yesterday was Christmas...
so where did June go?

I just love this stamp, it's one of my Newbies from

The Stamping Queen

Fabby bits I used to make this ATC {artist trading card}

are - Paperartsy At Home Plate 3, Paperartsy Dolls Plate 1, Collections Chipboard ATC (out of the frames set), Kelly Panacci Clock sticker, Making Memories Rub-on, Versa Fine Midnight Black ink, computer generated words, and my sewing machine :)


Would you like this ATC?

leave me a comment in this post,

and I'll randomly pick a name

to receive this little ATC

(please make it easy on me, When you comment and make sure it's easy for me to get in touch with you, incase you are the winner.

either by signing in with your blog, or leaving your etsy shop name - thankyou )



  1. Gillian, I love this atc!!! So scrummy!!!

  2. Gillian, I love your work. I tried stitching through chipboard myself and it worked! thank you for your tips. Kasha

  3. Stunning as always Gill, how can you part with it? LOL

  4. this is divine Miss G....I LOVE IT!
    hope you are doing well!!!

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Happy financial year to you! Argh it's tax time. Perhaps your ATC should have had a sadder face *LOL*.
    Fantastic work Gil.
    ~xx Barb xx~

  6. Fabulous ATC Gillian, love the image and the stitching!

  7. love your ATC too :0))))))
    beautiful work as always,Gillian!

  8. What a nice ATC! Love the stamps you have used also! Have a nice summer!
    From Desiree in Norway

  9. Happy New Financial Year! I love the fab stitching and composition of this piece. Take time to enjoy July!

  10. Anonymous11:22 AM

    HOw kind of you! I read your blog all the time, but don't know if I've ever commented... love your work :)

  11. Wow! That ATC is gorgeous and thanks for the chance to win.

  12. How kind of you, Gillian. I am keeping my fingers crossed! lol

    Your work inspires so many people. Thank you. :)

  13. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Hi again..I will just have to keep comming back to this blog of your's to see more of your very BEAUTIFUL work..Just OH SO GORGUS.!!!Sorry My englis is not so great..But I do love your nice things you do..I wish I knew someone like you to learn from..I can only see things on the web and read books and teach myself...Blessings to you..
