
Monday, October 11, 2010

Making progress.....

I am indeed making progress on this striped cushion
It is a slow project but very enjoyable and rewarding.
All Double Crochet (uk/aust)
and beautiful crepe wool.
The front is now complete and I am working on the back which will be in two pieces which overlap and close with buttons & buttonholes -another first time technique for me
The children went back to school this morning after two weeks of school holidays so I thought I'd bake them a treat for their afternoon tea this afternoon
This is a new favourite of theirs

Muffin Carrot Cakes

recipe courtesy of The Australian Women's Weekly kids cooking book
I think they like the Cream Cheese Frosting the best ;)
Also this week
I decided I needed a couple of covered coat hangers for my wardrobe
and wondered if I could possibly make them myself
well I found a pattern and whipped these up plus 2 more.
It's been a great couple of weeks in our home

The kids as I mentioned have just had two weeks school holidays,
Andrew had three weeks of Annual leave,
we built another vegie garden,
had a couple of day trips, dined out a few times,
had my parents come and stay for a weekend,

And I celebrated my 40th birthday and it didn't hurt a bit! :)

Have a Blessed week everyone ♥


  1. Happy Birthday!!

  2. Oh your cupcakes look so yummy yummy. Can i have one? ;o)

    Hope you have a beautiful birthday... Let´s huge you and listen what i sing:

    Happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday to you... Wish you healthy, luck and many love.

    Lovely greets from Germany,

  3. Your cushion is looking great - and those cupcakes... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  4. i really like the colour combination, cant wait to see the end result!

  5. The cushion is looking great.I love the colours. x

  6. Happy big 40! Btw, i am looking at the same pattern and wanting to make a cushion to be fastened by buttons! Have yet to find the pattern for the button-holes...

  7. sounds like you had fun!Happy Birthday!

  8. Belated birthday wishes, Girlie. It doesn't hurt at all. My life really began.

    Love the cushion! I can only crochet blankets very slowly!! My grandma made doilies & all kinds of things with crochet cotton.

    I am the lucky owner of several Australian Woman's Weekly cook books I love the simplicity of the recipes :0)

  9. these are great, where did u find the pattern? Would love to make some as gifts..

  10. I visited your site the other day and admired your work, too! And when I saw those cupcakes my stomach was longing for them.

  11. Where do you find the wooden coathangers? I have been searching the internet with no luck!
