
Saturday, January 28, 2012

wool eater blanket CAL week 2

For week 2 of the Wool Eater Blanket CAL
(January 18 - 25th)
we were to add another 4 rounds of pattern...
I added Gunmetal Grey, Teal, Curry and another row of Gunmetal Grey.
It now measures approx 55cm square and weighs approx 250gms.

I'm a little late posting my photo
as I have been away for most of the week..
the hardest part of this Crochet Along is deciding which colour to use next ;)
it is not to late to join in
details can be found here on Sarah's blog.

I hope you are having a lovely week
~ Gillian ♥


  1. Wool eater, I love that way of describing your blanket. It's looking great.
    Anne xx

    P.S. How is your Mum going?

  2. This is gorgeous Gillian,
    wunderful colors.

  3. The colours are spectacular, I adore teal and mustard together xox It's going to be a super stunning blanket.

  4. it is gorgeous! I am still debating starting..I have several other things going on, but will eventually!

  5. You have such an eye for colour! I love the blues going into the purple. It's going to be a great blanket! x

  6. It looks beautiful Gillian. I love your colour choices, the greys with the blues. x

  7. It looks gorgeous! The colours are so warm and vibrant. I love it!
