
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

warm bread and a little book love....

 My bread making skills are growing each time I make a loaf,
I know I still have a lot to learn, but now the bread I am turning out of the tin is so much better than my first efforts.  This loaf was made using my Kitchen Aid, with no hand kneading at all. 
The only problem with home baked bread that I can see is that it just doesn't last very long....
because every slice is devoured and enjoyed :)
  I finally gave in and ordered a copy of
by Rhonda Hetzel
and it arrived TODAY - yay!
 Guess where my head will be buried for the next little while ;)
all I can say is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!

I'm off to read my new book
have a happy day
~ Gillian ♥


  1. Home made bread is the best! :)

  2. Ha!! I've been experimenting with making bread too..........and I have that very same red Kitchen Aid:) Off to look up that book.............

  3. Homemade bread is the best. A friend here used to make it. Hot from the oven with a knob of butter. Utterly divine. She moved back to the States but I have her recipe. Haven't attempted to make it yet. that book looks fabulous. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  4. Your bread looks delicious! I'm not surprised it doesn't last long.

    I haven't seen the book before, but I'm going to check it out :)

  5. That bread looks great. I just checked the link on the book, and that looks great too. Maybe I'm going to give in too?!
