
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Catching up on my tags :O)

Firstly Flossie tagged me with one I haven't done before
here tis...
You are to give one word answers to these questions.
Yourself: Saved
Your Partner: Andrew
Your Hair: short
Your Mother: Dot
Your Father: Allan
Your Favorite Item:weddingring
Your Dream Last Night: good
Your Favorite Drink: PepsiMax
Your Dream Car: ChryslerWagon
Dream Home: mine
The Room You Are In: garage
Your Fear: loss
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: ?
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: kids
You’re Not: Perfect
One of Your Wish List Items: moretime
The Last Thing You Did: Markets
You Are Wearing: clothes (!)
Your Favorite Weather: Autumn
Last Thing You Ate: Mintslicebickie
Your Life: Blessed
Your Mood: peaceful
Your Best Friend: few
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: My hands are frozen and I really need to make a coffee to wash down that mint!
Your Car: Echo
What Are You Doing At The Moment: yawning
Relationship Status: oh so happily married
What Is On Your TV: Starwars
What Is The Weather Like: cold
The Last Time You Laughed: 1/2hour ago

then Gaby tagged me with a 7 facts about yourself tag
well I've sort of done this one in a couple of different ways, there was the '7 weird facts one' & the 'unknown facts one' so hope it's ok Gaby I'm going to change it a little.....
it's now....
7 Creative things I want to try
1. Transfer Medium
2. Assemblage
3. Altered Pez Dispenser (it's an altered art thing... )
4. Microscrope slide jewerelly
5. Make some Altered Art Charms
6. Finally get some Crackle Medium to work...
7. Graffitti Art

and then Paula gave me a special tag, it's a cutie pie little badge for my blog...

I'll wear it with pride on my blog thanks Paula :O)

I think you are one too!!!!

there all done....
now I'm going to go and take some picys of the little treat I promised I'd share cause they are finished :O)

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I forgot I tagged you, enjoyed your answers.
