
Friday, July 13, 2007

DCM weekly dare - A visit to the Habberdashery dept.

This week at Daring Cardmakers
it's my turn to dare you all
"Your card can be any theme you like, just as long as it's got something you'd find in a Haberdashery Department on it
Alright then, grab that old sewing basket of yours or raid your sewing machine drawer, have a look at what creative bits are hidding away there....maybe it's buttons, a zip, hook & eye's, ribbons, braids, Dressmaking patterns, tape measures,Pins & Needles, lace, safety pins or embroidery thread....
so many wonderful little treasures just waiting to be added to your next card :O)
I'm going to add one more rule...
Yes you may stitch on your card, but that can't be your only haberdashery item...."
Donna is our Gorgeous Guest Designer for a couple of weeks, Welcome Donna! :O)
so happy to have you join in the fun
So here is my card, I've given into my 'lust for rust' on this card, and used a rusty old 'overalls' buckle and some ribbon for my 'Habby' items.
other bits I've used are - Stamp-it stamp #siset0031k available from Scrap A While, hmmmm can't remember what that paper is... does anyone know...oh I hate that... anyway the green strip is the back of the flower paper, American Crafts MiniMarks rub-on, Maria George crystals (I'll soon own shares in the company at this rate, they are a bit of a fav at the mo), Versa Magic Midnight black inkpad, & My ever trusty sewing machine :O)
Well I know I've been a bit absent from the blogs lately, and it was a much needed rest, I actually think I burnt myself out, and needed to slow down for the sake of everyone who lives with me lol! and myself ofcourse....
I know I've been tagged a couple of times, and I'll get to them shortly (thanks girls)
My kids go back to school Tuesday, it's been such a joy having them home from school, we've been doing lots of craft together, not much papercraft, mostly beading and oooooohhhh I've got something a little different ;o) I'll show sometime over the weekend when they are finished...
anyhoo... have yourself a 'FABBY'
(oooh I do love this word my UK blog friends use) weekend :O)
and I'll catch you around Cyberworld....


  1. ooh, I like this Gill and I love your dare. I recently dragged Mum's old sewing basket out and found lots of treasures in there (as well as a pair of pinking scissors!!) so I will have fun with this I have missed doing them the last couple of weeks.

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Yet another FABBY card!

  3. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Another gorgeous card from you Gillian. I love that scrummy big buckle and the little addition of bling. So sweet,

  4. Beautiful card! Love the concept

  5. Fabby card Gillian :)

    Love the ribbon and the big buckle!!

  6. wonderful card. :)

  7. A beautiful card, I love the colours.

  8. this is so cool, love it. I am definitely working on this Dare this weekend, you have inspired me.

  9. Last weeks text, & this weeks haberdashery are my most favourite dares of this last two months. Both have got me excited again.
    I have a special tag for you & forgot to let you know.
    One of those blonde moments when you're sure you did it but realise that you just imagined it done!!!

    Gorgeous card, BTW. Love the colours & that stamp.

  10. Wow Gillian, this is beautiful!

  11. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Gillian, this is another beautiful always. I know what you mean by feeling burnt out. That is why I took a break for a bit. Hope you feel all refreshed now cuz i love seeing what you are making. Have a wonderful weekend :o)

  12. Gillian I adore your card.
    Beautiful work and the images are always so awesome...
    btw - I added another word today..."Fabby" it..
    I will share one I use...
    "spiffy" --when someone asks how I am ;) I think I need to be an Aussie!! :)

  13. Great to see you back Gillian, hope you managed to rest.
    Another fab card, love the buckle, and thanks for a great dare:)
    Hope to speak soon x

  14. love that buckle!!!
    it's a great card!

  15. Absolutely wonderful! Gillian. Your cards always stun me!Take life slowly and creat more cards (or dares?) for us!
    I enjoy your cards. Truely!

  16. This challenge had to come from you! And a 'fabby' one too! Great card from you again - love the stamping.
    Sometimes burn out occurs when we take our eyes off the important things - so take quiet times for yourself.

  17. Gillian your cards are always sensational! This looks great :-)

    Megan xx

  18. Looks fab, love what you did ;-) I have linked you to my blog, if this is ok. ;-)

  19. brilliant card Gillian (should I say fabby?)I have some of that paper - and now I know what to do with it! It came in a Self Addressed kit so I can' remember the name but think it might be A2Z or 3 Bugs. Enjoy your last days of fambly hols!

  20. Fabby! It really is! :)

    Gorgeous work, Gillian ... love the buckle *thumbs up*

  21. Gorgeous as always :o)

  22. This is a beautiful card, Gillian and what a fabby habby dare!

  23. Brilliant challenge Gillian - fab card sample as always.

  24. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Top card Gillian! The flower paper I think is WeR Memory Keepers - adore the buckle! It's great to see you back in blogland.

  25. Fabulous work Gillian and your 'lust for rust' is a special touch lol!!

  26. Gillian I love the colours you used here. Everything is just gorgeous.

    You take it easy

  27. Love this Gillian! The buckle is sooo cute!

  28. ooooh !!!!!!!!!Awwwwwsome:)))))
