
Monday, April 11, 2011

look what lives in my street....

a beautiful Koala I've been trying to get a photo of one of the koalas from our street for years.

(if you click on the photos if you'd like to see more detail)

This lovely big fella ran up our street past our home yesterday evening at about 5.30pm.

They don't hang around very long on the ground,

because of the dogs and other dangers

in his haste he climbed up this pine tree (I think it is)

definitely not the eucalyptus tree he normally heads for.

This tree is in the middle of a couple of large eucalyptus trees

that the few koalas we have in our neighbourhood frequent.

I think it is a male, as he is very large.

I ran across the road to see if I could grab a photo

and he sat and looked at me for about 30 seconds

before climbing up the tree - yay!

What a joy :)

have a happy day ~ Gillian ♥


  1. Oooh, how wonderful
    what a lovely koala! :0)

  2. How exciting to get a photo of your very own residential koala. He is a big brute isn't he. I bet he makes a lot of noise when he is being territorial. It's so lovely to see some Australian wildlife. My brother sees a little too much on his farm in Western many kangaroos. They are gorgeous though.
    Thanks for sharing your photos.
    Anne xx
    P.S. Is that a new banner (I love it), or am I just behind the times? :)

  3. How cute is it! Luck you've got a picture to share with us!

  4. Wow I didn't know koalas lived in residential areas like that. In the UK we have squirrels in that role!!

    Great pictures

    Fiona x

  5. Amazing photos! Puts our native wildlife to shame!!

  6. This is so nice. I don't know much about koala's, but somehow I always thought they were quite shy, not living in an urban environment. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Hello Gillian! How qute those koalas can be! They look always so sweet! I love your bunny blanket! Sorry I haven't visit you for a while (lost your address and now remembered that we 'met in ravelry').
    Sunny wishest from Crete! Teje

  8. He is gorgeous! You're so lucky to be sharing your street with these guys :)

  9. Oh yay! Glad you were able to snap some photos!

  10. Oh wow - lucky you! I have never seen a Koala in real life!

  11. I didnt know they live in residential areas, how lucky are you.We have foxes in london

  12. precious! I don't think I have seen a wild one ever

  13. Thanks everyone, for sharing my love of Koalas xxx

    We are Very Blessed to live in the Mid North Coast of NSW, were there is a VERY LARGE population of Koalas. Not all parts of Australia have Koalas roaming around like this ;)

    We may go a few months without seeing them, But we do hear them quite regularly (they are very noisy indeed when it is breeding season)

    I live in a quiet street with lots of Large Eucalyptus trees so they love our street -yay!

    It is a special joy knowing they live so close to us and share our street :)

  14. Wow! lucky you Gill! and great work managing to get a pic too!

  15. you make me miss my childhood home we use to have koalas and kangaroos in our back yard I loved it what a great photos
