
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shawl no.4......

This is another shawl I have just finished for my mum

This was the a lovely shawl to crochet

I love how the pattern changed throughout

the main body of the shawl keeping it interesting and fun.

Yarn used was - 5 x 100gm Lincraft Surprise Yarn in Sunset

Called the Juliette Shawl it was designed by Dora Ohrenstein

the pattern can be found in the book below

I really love that green scarf/stole on the front cover as well...

might have to put it on the 'to-do' list ;)

so it is needless to say not much else has been crocheted, including my block of the week project....which I think I'll need to change the name of soon to block of the month or even bi-monthly block - oh well, I'm having fun with my hook and that's the main thing isn't it ;)


Have a lovely week

~ Gillian ♥


  1. Your shawl is beautiful, love the colour and I agree the scarf on the book cover is yummy too!!

  2. It's very pretty - your Mum is very luck to be receiving this shawl. :)

  3. Wow, what a beautiful shawl, love the colour. I agree the green scarf has to go on your to do list. x

  4. As my kids would say "your on fire!" The shawls are exquisite, and that book -I just want to open it up.

  5. Gill Eclectic me is a perfect fit for blog name in my mind as I have seen your craft evolve from when I first started to be a follower and friend, when you were making cards, through your mixed media, jewellery and now your yarn craft sharing. I love how your latest shawl looks wrapped as a scarf in that top pic - Gorgeous.

  6. Dear Gillian, I am completely honoured that you dropped by my blog, I have to say that yours is totally beautiful and inspirational. Have a lovely sparkly day E x

  7. You could consider "A-Shawl-of-the-Week"?
    This shawl looks great, and I agree with you on the pattern changing.

  8. Gorgeous! I'm just starting out in crochet and I thought my ambitions didn't extend beyond my granny squares but this food for thought :)

  9. This shawl is stunning! And it looks lovely and soft too ... :)
