
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Noisy Miners.....

I've shared photos of the Noisy Miners from our garden before
But I have been enjoying watching them
using our birdbath over the past couple of weeks.
So thought I'd share some photos with you,
Like the Pacific Koel they also have been eating
the fruit from our palm trees - when the Koel's are not looking that is!
I often wonder if they are the chicks I
photographed and shared in this post :)

I've also been working on a belt for my little miss
the crochet part of the belt is complete, but
I have a couple of other things to do with it before it's finished.
of course it is in some of her favourite colours ;)

Thank you so much for visiting

~ Gillian ♥


  1. Lovely photo's!

  2. I'd be noisy too if I had a gorgeous bath like that to bathe in. :) Your photos are lovely.
    Anne xx

  3. Gillian, I too love catching sight of the antics of various birds in my garden.
    Lately I've noticed the tiniest pretty finches darting so quickly in and out of the cover from the lush grapevine over our pergola. They have the most dainty 'cheep' but are too quick for me to get a decent photo!

  4. Thank you everyone :)

    Maryann, I love finches we dont seem to get any in our garden...they are the sweetest little things aren't they :)

  5. Amazing photos you get! The belt is really great.
