Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Salt - John 3:16
so I found this one on google images, & printed it off,
I love the way the Baby Jesus has His hands open and inviting,
ready to give the perfect gift.
So after I printed off my image, I glued it onto another piece of card, added all the little dots, then using a lead pencil drew ontop of all the lines (giving a sort of embossed look)then I went over all of those lines with a black pigment pen. Next I cut around the shape, then using embossing powder I double embossed the paper image, so now I had a lovely shiney durable piece of embossed paper. Next step was to tape it to two layers of felt, which I then stitched on my sewing machine and trimmed. Sewed the ribbon onto the back at the top and bottom, and threaded the star onto the ribbon (the star is a Vintage Brass Star from a Military Uniform)
Anyway, make sure you pop on over to the SALT blog and see what the other girls have done with this Challenge, they are all so beautiful!
And we'd love to see what you create too :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
mummy dear
who first suggested using a Watch Crystal, in my comments so Ann can you email me your address and I'll post you a little vintage optical lens to create with, I'm sure you'll come up with something wonderful, If you haven't ever been to Ann's blog pop on over she Makes the most Gorgeous Scrapbook Layouts :)
Thankyou all so much for your ideas, I'm sure you not only inspired me with your thoughts on how to seal the back of this little lens, but inspired one another too
This picy shows how I finished off the back with the watch crystal like Ann suggested.
Oh and that sweet little image is from
it's a Collections Ephemera Photographs card
Stay tuned, I've just gotten some slightly different lens
So I might need a little help with them after Christmas ;)
have a happy day, I know I will cause I've got myself a new necklace :)
A Most Spendid Blog
Friday, December 14, 2007
DCM weekly dare - inside & out
Add a little finishing touch to match the theme on the outside, or Surprise the receiver with a flap, foldout, decorated journal block to write on,or one of those pop-out delights.... It really adds so much to a card when there is attention to detail on the inside as well as the outside. I know some of you are finished your Christmas cards already so this week it's Any theme, Christmas or not But make the inside count too :)
My freind Jo, had a little baby girl this week
**** Jamali ****
and I made this card to celebrate her birth
I carried the Vintage Imagery through to the inside, along with a touch of gold.
Bits used are - Basic Grey PP from SAW, Collections Ephemera Photographs & German Scrap from TSQ Collections Rusty Word, key charm, brads, string,Distress Ink, and my sewing machine.
So have you DARED to DARE yet?
Come on I DARE YOU!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
freedom has no key
Monday, December 10, 2007
When I Daydream.....
Once again I used a page torn from an old book that I distressed with 'walnut stain' Distress ink, Then I used that delightful Designs Galore image (vintage children 010), Collections words, German Scraps (GS-LFB) all from TSQ . Other bits I added from my stash are Maria George Crystals, and American Crafts Minimarks rub-ons.
I'm really enjoying reading all of the ideas in your comments about the Optical Lens,
thankyou to all who are coming up with ideas :O)
You're all so clever,
You are still able to add your ideas in the post below
(infact I'd love you to add to the ideas)
as I haven't started my creation yet.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
a little help please.....
Friday, December 07, 2007
DCM weekly dare - candy stripes
So maybe I took Saffa's dare a little bit too literally
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
my first Skinny Page
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
DCM little extra - buttons & bows
"Buttons and Bows"
So here's mine, I chose Luke 2:11 as my inspiration
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you
He is Christ the Lord
my card is a bit symbolic
the fleur de lis represents the trinity
the crown, the birth of the King
the red, the cross the path of the King
the music, Joy of Christmas
So it's a busy time isn't it, but too busy to make a card...
come and play along with us at DCM
Monday, December 03, 2007
White Christmas
Sunday, December 02, 2007
My Dream Book - Front Cover
I am making with some of my scrummy bits from
The Stamping Queen
It is a little Altered Art Book
and this is the Front Cover
I hope to have some spare time over the next couple of weeks to keep working on this and show you as I make the following pages
The following are all bits out of my DT supplies and all available from TSQ
Collections C0387 Chipboard house & frames, C0806 Ephemera Photo's small & C0841 Vintage Ladies, Collections C0405 Strip words, Stamp-it Laura Koh 003LK stamp, latch & hook Fancy Oval H19, for the BG of this house I tore a page from an old book and destressed it with Distress Ink. My plan is to make a series of little 'house pages' for a sweet keepsake.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Ode to Christmas

This is a set of Large Chipboard Tags
I made and are in the current issue of
Australian Paper Crafts
issue 71
the words on the tags read
A song was heard at Christmas
To wake the midnight sky
A saviour's birth and peace on earth
And praise to God on high
The angels sang a Christmas
With all the hosts above
And still we sing
the newborn King
His glory and His love
-Timothy Dudley Smith
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Play Time

Friday, November 23, 2007
DCM weekly dare - Song without words
Lythan chose to dare this cool dare
I would like you to create a card inspired by a song or a carol - it could be for Christmas or not! (you may have got all your Christmas cards done by now...) BUT there is a twist. the words of the song are NOT to be seen on the front of the card. You could leave it to us to guess! Have fun!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Salt - Light
So I've made this little 'gothic arch'
and I wanted my 'light' to be symbolised by this 'hanging lamp' the kind that would have had oil in it hanging from a ceiling, filling the room with the warmth and reasurance of light.
Isn't it amazing how a childs fear of the dark, can be eased simply by turning on the light...
Well that's been the same in my life really,
So many fears and hangups, eased simply by
Monday, November 19, 2007
Santa's Key
I used this lovely Crafty Individuals Stamp {CI-162}
It has these 4 lovely images on one plate, anyway I stamped it onto some Calico this time for a little change using StazOn ink, I made it into a little quilt using some wadding and patchwork fabric and quilted it on my machine, trimmed and frayed the edges. Then I added some little 'vintage picture frame hangers' also available at TSQ, some chain, vintage glass buttons & vintage lace and a Gorgeous Rusty old key...oh and a little 'jingle bells charm'.......
Friday, November 16, 2007
A little Christmas Tree Ornament
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Meet Clancy & Clarice
Lots happening at our home at the moment, I have my mum & dad with us, Mum is currently in hosipital here she had an pretty big opperation this week, and will be in hospital till early to mid next week, when she gets out of hospital Mum will be living here with us for a while till she is more able to get around. So in all thats been going on this week, I haven't had a chance to do my DCM or SALT contributions, but do pop over and check out what everyone has done, I do hope to have a little time this weekend to create and hope you do too
Take care everyone :O)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
DCM little extra- snowflakes & snowman
Snowmen and Snowflakes
So I called on my years of being an infants student, And made a paper snowflake for my card. I used to love making 'snowflakes' when I was a kid, it was the closest thing you got to snow in Inverell, altho It did snow one day in 1984 when I was at highschool, but it didn't settle on the ground, but it was sooooo pretty.
I've been tagged by Sephi.
So I am terrible usually at tags, have wonderful intentions of getting them done, but somehow they just don't happen.... so I'm going to do this one! I've done this one before, so coming up with something new...hmmm... lets see lol!
Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird
1. I dream vividly and creatively, and sometimes horribly
2. I have an super sensitive sense of smell (yes I'm the one who always smells smoke)
4. I love candles and we have candle lite dinners often
5. I need to write lists, but hate being tied down to lists, instead it gets all muddled up in my head and I get stressed, so I am trying to learn to write!
6. Day trips with my family are my {sweet times}
7. I actually am doing 7... (I reckon that can be a!!!)
Boho Christmas
I bought a kit of My Minds Eye Papers, it had all these cool tags in it,
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Now then, just in case you need a bit more enticement to join in our dare:
Wrap it in Ribbon for Christmashere's a little sweetener:
Friday, October 26, 2007
Salt - Jesus is Lord
This is my little piece, It's a 'Memory Glass' project
the size is 2x2"
When I saw Kimberly's choice of topic I immediately thought of 'Sunday School'
Such a Valuable ministry in our churches.
The verse from Proverbs 22:6 came to mind
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it"
so I have made this little treasure for my sweet friend who co-ordinates our churches Sunday School.
Supplies - Memory Glass Frame, Glass & Vintage Image available from
The Stamping Queen,
computer journaling,page from old dictionary, American Crafts Minimarks Rub-on, and lace.
We'd love to have you come and join us at SALT
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
DCM little extra- Template
So Have you Dared to DARE? Come on I DARE YOU!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Birthday DCM xxx
Daring Cardmakers
back in October 2006 has developed and grown into a huge circle of crafting and blogging friends who come together from all over the world to share their inspiration and their talents so enthusiastically, and are always so supportive of each other's cardmaking. In honour of all of you who've helped make this blog so successful, and such a friendly place to "play" we've decided to revisit our very first dare for this our first anniversary, but with a twist. The subject is, as in our original dare "friends", but this time the title is
and we'd like you to incorporate at least one circle into your card.It would make it a very special occasion if for this dare you'd make a card just for the DCM rather than doubling up with other challenges.Please join in and celebrate our first anniversary with us,without all of you - our wonderful extended "Team of Darers" and of course all those who've joined us as Guest Designers over the last year it wouldn't be half as much fun.
and this little vintage image from a collage sheet I received in my TSQ dt pack was just perfect for the circle of friends theme!
Well not only has October been a busy month in our home with reno's happening, Annual leave, School Holidays, A new puppy, day trips, Visitors, etc....
But we Celebrated 2 Birthdays, mine early in October and Jacobs was on Tues.
anyway, I wanted to share with you all the beautiful Handmade cards I have received...
and to say thankyou to you sweet girls, I love them all!!!!