5 pairs of denim jeans
+ 1 size 15mm crochet hook
+ one tired arm
= a new bath mat for my boys :)

Well it is finished.....
I've wanted to make something with the old pairs of jeans in my wardrobe for a little while now....so thinking that I'll probably use about 3 pairs for this bath mat I started cutting them up.
Of course things like this always use more supplies
than you will think they will ;)
So I ended up cutting 5 pairs of old jeans.
Crocheting with cut up jeans, seams and all...
is a little tougher on the arms and wrists than normal crochet,
but you do cover a lot of ground quickly.
If you are interested, here is what I did.
Starting with the jeans - Use scissors to cut the hem off the bottom of each leg, then cut up the leg in a spiral till you reached the crotch, cut off this piece from the jeans, Roll into ball.
You don't have to worry too much about how straight your cutting is, just do your best to keep it a similar width so that your granny square stays neat and square.
Cut the other leg the same way, sew onto the end of the previous ball with sewing machine (I stitched back and forwards across the join several times and trimmed excess seam) roll onto the ball you have already made, making sure when you join each length the right sides face each other and the seam is on the wrong side.
As you use up each length you can just cut more jeans, and roll them up into balls sew the balls onto the denim yarn end when you are near to crocheting it.
I found working in smaller balls (one or two legs at a time) stopped the yarn from twisting.
Now your denim yarn is ready you can crochet it how ever you like...
I chose a simple granny square as I wanted a square bath mat for the boys.
once it was the right size, mine is 55cm square.
I crocheted a round of dc (UK terms) or sc (US terms)
give it a bit of a tug to make it nice and square and you are finished!
I hope you are having a creative week
~ Gillian ♥